Looking for a ring?

You’re ready to propose and now you need to find a ring. But more importantly, you should be looking for a jeweler.

Why Husar’s House of Fine Diamonds? IMG_1842

Established, Family Owned Jeweler

As the largest family owned jewelry store in Wisconsin, we take great pride in our business. “It’s different when it’s your name on the door,” is a philosophy that owners Mike and Mary live by, especially on Saturday’s when at least one of them is present chatting away with customers. 

Certified Gemologists

We have two Graduate Gemologists on staff and we’re the oldest member of the American Gem Society in Wisconsin. (What does that even mean?!?) We have a witty duo that has obtained one of the most prestigious credentials in the industry. And our AGS membership, well, that just means we adhere to a strict list of requirements in order to assure our customers that we are a trusted, high quality jeweler.

Exclusive Designs

At Husar’s we have a vast selection of jewelry in our 15,000 square-foot store. Among that selection you will find the majority of jewelry is designed and manufactured by Husar’s House of Fine Diamonds. We do have a few “cookie-cutter” designs, but we like to focus on exclusivity…designs, diamonds or otherwise.ring


Some may say it is old fashioned, some may be taken back to high school biology class, but most think it’s a “quality experience.” Pun intended! We have five Diamond Presentation Rooms with microscopes, where we show customers our ethically sourced, hand selected diamonds up close!

So, when you come to Husar’s House of Fine Diamonds to find a ring for the love of your life, be prepared to find a jeweler for life as well.


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