January Birthstone: Garnet

The name “garnet” derives from the Latin “granatus,” meaning grain or seed, due to its resemblance to the red seeds of a pomegranate. Known for its deep red color, garnet’s hardness ranks between 6.5 and 7.5 on the Mohs scale, making it unsuitable for biting!

With origins traced back over 2,500 years in Sri Lanka, garnet is now sourced globally, from Africa to the United States, including Arizona and Idaho. Although most recognized as red, garnet also appears in a spectrum of colors, from warm yellows and vibrant oranges to rosy pinks, greens, and violets. These hues result from unique elemental blends within each gem, like iron, calcium, or manganese. Garnet has industrial applications too, often used in sandpaper.

Rich in myths, garnet is known as a protective stone for travelers. A popular legend tells of Noah using a garnet to light his way through dark, stormy nights on the ark. Gifting garnet is seen as a gesture of love, symbolizing a wish for safe travels and a swift return.